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My Story


My Story

Welcome to Dharma Love, 


With a Fine Art degree and emphasis in painting, photography and printmaking Anastasia created Dharma Love. The Dharma Love garments act as the canvas for her paintings, photographs, woodcuts and other printmaking art pieces. Much care and research goes into the making and purchasing of the products that house the artwork. The garments consist of certified organic cotton, hemp and socially accountable cotton products. We find high-quality, reasonably-priced and socially-conscious products that do not hurt neither humans nor environment. Dharma Love products are Peta Approved Vegan.We manually print the art onto each garment.

Dharma is a Sanskrit word meaning purpose in life. Add that to Love, meaning kindness, compassion, affection, and you have Dharma Love.
Our goal is to send blessings and love into the world one product at a time. 
Much Gratitude & Blessings,

About the Business

Dharma Love is  a Green business, my products are printed with non toxic, water based inks, the hang tags are made out of post consumer recycled paper, the packaging is made out of soda pop bottles (all of which can be recycled). I strive to be a zero impact business; recycling all materials and promoting good business practices.